When Daedalos, the first know architect in ancient Greece, murdered his student and nephew it was to protect his position as the most innovative architect of his age. He must have foreseen a limit to new ideas and was in effect predicting the end of originality in architecture. More than three millennia ...
Tottering her way through the history of women's footwear, the author writes 'Shoes possess magic powers,' and wonders why it is that women love their shoes so much. She also has plenty of advice on choosing the right heel for your physique, how to keep shoes lasting long and how to judge a man by his footwear.
"There is no artist who has done more to define Los Angeles art internationally in the 1990s than Charles Ray, and this exhibition will greatly expand the public understanding of his work to include not only the widely seen figurative works but also minimalist and abstract sculptures and his most recent ...
In architecture, looking to the past is a prerequisite to looking to the future. Innovative design is inevitably informed by an understanding of earlier design and technology. No one exemplifies this more than architect Jan Kaplicky and his firm Future Systems, renowned for its futuristic structures.
"Large Graphics is a reference guide and a book for designing on a grand scale. See how expert designers effectively fill oversized spaces with graphics and copy that deliver a finely tuned message - sometimes when seconds count. Billboards must communicate instantly to motorists speeding down the highway. ...
This illustrated work digs deeply into London's past, examining the archaeological discoveries that have enriched our understanding of the city's history. It draws on research and excavations conducted by the Museum of London Archaeology Service during the last quarter of the 20th century.
A guide for designers, students, researchers and anyone needing to find information on art, design, typography, animation, video, photography and other visual arts-related topics by way of the Internet and the World Wide Web.