Two Lives in Colour: Fred Dubery and Joanne Brogden
Ian Collins
The painted world of Fred Duberywas all about warmth and colour - a bright pattern of life reflecting a privateplace of beauty, pleasure and merriment. Known from numerous solo exhibitions,and from regular showings at the Royal Academy and New English Art Club, thepictures are a record of joyful travels in France and Italy and, best of all,of domestic contentment via a long and happy marriage amid a visual feast, anda procession of amazing meals, in a lovely Suffolk setting.
Fred Dubery was teaching atWalthamstow Art School when he had a fateful meeting with fashion tutor JoanneBrogden. She had trained under Christian Dior and would become a pioneeringProfessor of Fashion at the Royal College of Art while Fred was appointedProfessor of Perspective at the Royal Academy Schools. Adding a large adoptedfamily of former students, their life together was the heart of everything.
Fred and Joanne left a legacy forart and fashion education and the paintings richly illustrated in this volume -images technically so clever and so subtle - offer a lasting lesson in how tolive.