Planet Earth, engaged in an intergalactic conflict, entrusts its salvation to the clone of Leonardo da Vinci and to the rebirth of his genius.
Author Stéphane Levallois has created the fantastic universes of many of the big Hollywood blockbusters (Alien, King Kong (Skull Island), Harry Potter and ...
Looks at the major events in Leonardo's life: from his early childhood to his apprenticeship with Verrocchio and then the setting up of his own workshop in Florence, before leaving for Milan where his patron was Ludovico Sforza ('Il Moro' - the Moor).
"100 Best Paintings in New York is an essential guide to the best of the great collections of art open to the public in New York." "Each of the 100 chosen paintings is reproduced in full color with a vivid description that provides both appreciation and analysis and includes fascinating details of how ...