Using the words of Jesus in Luke 24:46-47 as a springboard, After Emmaus explains how the story of redemption foretold in the Old Testament is fulfilled in Christ, is reflected in the apostles' ministry, and continues today through the mission of the church.
American technological prowess used to be unrivaled. But because of globalization, and with the blessing of the U.S. government, once proprietary technologies and materials are now exploited around the world. Nowhere is this more dangerous than in China's monopoly of rare earth elements-materials that ...
He went to college, found love, got married, fathered two children, and made a new start - and then watched in almost-silent awe as the vengeful past caught up with him, right at his own front door.As, one by one, the homes of other famous New England writers are torched, Sam knows that this time he is most certainly not guilty.