Five fall into Adventure
Enid Blyton
In 1946, the Fox-Talbot family eagerly return to Hartgrove Hall, their beloved home in rural Dorset. But the once grand house and estate have fallen into near-ruin and bankruptcy looms. The three brothers plan to save the house together, though eighteen-year-old Harry's heart lies with music and he devotes himself instead to tracking down ancient folksongs. Then Harry falls for his brother's fiancee, celebrated wartime singer Edie Rose, forcing him to choose between love and duty. Five decades on, Harry, now a renowned composer, is mourning his wife Edie's recent death. When he discovers his four-year-old grandson's extraordinary gift for the piano, they form a bond that draws Harry out of his grief. As Robin's talent leads him into the limelight, Harry becomes immersed in both the trials and joys of raising a child prodigy.