The beloved story of The Velveteen Rabbit, the stuffed animal made real by the love of a boy, has captured our imaginations for generations. In this Little Apple Classic edition of the children's story, re-experience the timeless tale of boundless love and the magical transformation it has on our hearts.
We can't protect children from all hardships, but we can promote healthy development that fosters resilience. In this interdisciplinary work, Holly Catterton Allen equips educators, counselors, children's ministers, and parents with ways of developing children's spirituality so they can persevere when facing trauma and thrive in challenging times.
It's time to get busy with machines that roar, whizz, vroom and zoom! This action-packed activity book is crammed full of things to find, amazing vehicles to colour, and hands-on games and puzzles. Activities appear alongside entertaining adventure stories to engage and delight your young vehicle lover.