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Magic of Drama: An Oral Performance Activity Book
A. G. Finger
Condition: New
£24.50   £10.45

This is a complete drama course in one book. 'The Magic of Drama' is a reproducible integrated oral skills textbook. The book is intended to be used by high school and college ESL students at the high intermediate to advanced levels. As a main or supplementary text, it can be used in a variety of classes, ...

Start with A: A Beginner's Guide to the Alphabet
A. M. Chabot
Condition: New
£18.50   £8.99

This is a reproducible activity book that introduces the 26 letters of the alphabet. The book is suitable for use with all age groups. It introduces each letter individually and provides practice activities in letter formation. This is done firstly by using shadow letters, and later in the lesson by ...

Vocabulary Diet: Bk. 1
Dave DeRocco
Condition: New

Includes 30 reproducible units, with 5 new vocabulary words studied in each. Each unit begins by studying the dictionary definitions of five words. Then three sample sentences are given for each word to show the words used in context. The students are then given five definitions per word and the students ...

International English Coursebook 1
Peter Lucantoni, Lydia Kellas
Condition: New

Advance English language skills while improving subject content knowledge with a comprehensive three-level lower secondary ESL programme specifically designed for non-native English speaking students.

Stories for the New Millennium: For All Beginnings High Interest Reading Materials
Dave DeRocco
Condition: New
£18.50   £7.99

This is a fifty unit reproducible ESL/EFL/Literacy reading and discussion text. The articles in Stories for the new Millennium are short and written at a beginner level. The articles are complemented by a variety of exercises, with attention paid to the different skill areas. With its focus on modern ...

PYP Springboard Teacher's Manual: What is Waste?
Julia Gardner
Condition: New

Implement the PYP and give students the full breadth of high quality inquiry learning with this non-prescriptive, flexible support.This Teacher's Manual provides guidance and practical suggestions on how to deliver the unit of inquiry. Each manual includes links to the appropriate transdisciplinary themes ...

Gold Star Rewards KS2 English
Condition: New
£6.99   £2.99

Language Education in the School Curriculum: Issues of Access and Equity
Professor Ken Cruickshank, Dr Stephen Black, Dr Honglin Chen, Dr Linda Tsung, Professor Jan Wright
Condition: New
£100.00   £9.99

There is widespread concern in all English speaking countries at the rapid decline in study of languages. The promise of 'languages for all' in the UK and North America in the 1970s marked a shift from languages as elite subjects for the privileged few, but this promise has not been fulfilled. This book ...

Teaching Physical Education in the Primary School: A Developmental Approach
Ian Pickup, Lawry Price
Condition: New
£41.99   £7.99

A guide to the teaching and learning of physical education in the primary school. It presents a developmental approach encouraging readers to plan lessons that are individually relevant, worthwhile and exciting for children, and to ensure that learning is at the heart of the physical education experience.

PYP Springboard Teacher's Manual: Ourselves
Stefanie Waterman
Condition: New

Implement the PYP and give students the full breadth of high quality inquiry learning with this non-prescriptive, flexible support.This Teacher's Manual provides guidance and practical suggestions on how to deliver the unit of inquiry. Each manual includes links to the appropriate transdisciplinary themes ...

Leo Tolstoy
Daniel Moulin
Condition: New
£160.00   £19.99

Leo Tolstoy is indisputably a major thinker in education. This title presents an account of Leo Tolstoy's educational thought, including coverage of the reception and influence of his work and its relevance. It is divided into: Intellectual Biography; Critical Exposition of Tolstoy's Educational Thought; and, The Legacy of an Overlooked Educator.

Researching Education for Social Justice in Multilingual Settings: Ethnographic Principles in Qualitative Research
Condition: New
£33.99   £7.99

Researching Education for Social Justice in Multilingual Settings provides innovative guidance on carrying out qualitative research in education by offering a wide range of examples of research projects with a focus on the methodologies and data collection strategies used. Rather than decontextualised ...

Medical and Biological Microwave Sensors and Systems
Condition: New

A comprehensive overview of recent advances in state-of-the-art medical and biological microwave sensors and systems. The book covers theory, design, and implementation, as well as details of experimental results, and is ideal for researchers and industry practitioners in the fields of electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, and medical physics.

Dr Alexander Moseley
Condition: New
£34.99   £8.99

Aristotle is often underrated in educational circles but the impact of his philosophy and his actions are evident in the schools and universities around us today. Aristotle developed the first proper university that had different departments and vast collections of texts and artefacts. His philosophy ...

Developing a Self-Evaluating School: A Practical Guide
Paul K. Ainsworth
Condition: New
£34.99   £7.99

A practical guide to self-evaluation in schools enabling senior and middle leaders and teachers to begin to develop the processes, tools and techniques of self-evaluation. It introduces the main tools of self-evaluation and looks at how schools and individuals in different contexts and roles have successfully used these tools in a holistic way.

Teaching Materials and the Roles of EFL/ESL Teachers: Practice and Theory
Dr Ian McGrath
Condition: New
£140.00   £14.99

Teaching Materials and the Roles of EFL/ESL Teachers is published amidst a decade long increase in academic publications and training courses concerned with the evaluation and design of English language teaching materials. It is timely to consider what effect the advice on offer has had on teachers' ...

Digital Technologies in Early Childhood Art: Enabling Playful Experiences
Dr Mona Sakr
Condition: New
£130.00   £89.99

Through art children make sense of their experiences and the world around them. Drawing, painting, collage and modelling are open-ended and playful processes through which children engage in physical exploration, aesthetic decision-making, identity construction and social understanding. As digital technologies ...

Learning Communities in Educational Partnerships: Action Research as Transformation
Dr Mairin Glenn, Dr Mary Roche, Dr Caitriona McDonagh, Dr Bernie Sullivan
Condition: New
£26.99   £7.99

Learning Communities in Educational Partnerships shows how theory and practice come into lived interplay in social spaces where theory informs practice and practice turns into theory. Drawing on their own experiences of becoming a learning community, the authors introduce the ideas underpinning self-study ...

How To Do Things With Cultural Theory
Matt Hills
Condition: New
£38.99   £7.99

A guide to the assumptions, readings and writings of cultural theory, and an intervention in contemporary debates, this book will be invaluable to anyone involved in studying, teaching or researching media and cultural studies.

Hodder Cambridge Primary English: Teacher's Pack Stage 4
Rachel Axten-Higgs
Condition: New
£47.00   £14.99

Prepare your learners for the Progression tests and Primary Checkpoint test with this Teacher's Pack which supports the material in the accompanying Student Book, through lessons notes and tips for assessment.

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