The exciting follow-up to The Andalucian Friend, a breakneck thriller that follows Sophie Brinkmann as she faces the consequences of joining Hector Guzman's crime empire From the moment Hector Guzman entered a coma, Sophie Brinkmann has regretted joining his crime family. Hector's right hand, Aron Geisler, ...
In this fact-filled, one-step-at-a-time guide to the divorce process holds the reader's hand through the maze, mystery and mire of divorce attorneys, court procedures, custody, mental health issues, child support, property settlement, and more. Each brief and incisive instruciton offers hope, encouragement, ...
Combines the antiquity's beasts with the weapons with which to defeat them. This book includes the dragon, the hydra, the cyclops and other monsters with notes on origin, background, strengths and weaknesses, souvenirs. It also presents a weapons section with historical background and applications.