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Author: Tom PaulinCondition: NewFormat: HardbackPages: 64Publisher: Faber & FaberYear: 2012ISBN: 9780571271535
Tom Paulin's first collection since The Road to Inver in 2004, Love's Bonfire sets poems about early life and marriage beside up-to-the minute and minutely registered perceptions of post-settlement Ireland. At the book's centre are delicately inward versions of the contemporary Palestinian poet Walid Khazendar, which resonate with the proximity of other lives, other exiles and destinies, as of an autobiography by other means.
'Who entered my room when I was outand moved the vase on the mantelpiece just a tad?who skewed that print - a Crusader - on the far wall?and those pages loose on my deskthey're a shade dishevelled aren't they?'[from 'Belongings']
The Bonfire of the Decencies offers a range of suggestions about what might be done to repair and restore the British constitution.
John's Letters call us to live in love and truth - a message explored here by David Jackman.
The message of Song of Songs. The Song's affirmation of love, loyalty and commitment, beauty and sexuality, is relevant for our day, pointing to the love and character of God behind human love.