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Sweet Tea for the Soul/Biscuits, Butter, and Blessings
Linda Kozar
Condition: New
£15.99   £11.99

This bind-up features two devotional titles in one volume.

Sweet Tea for the Soul
Porch swings.
Watching fireflies.
Sipping sweet tea on a warm summer night.

These southern winks of contentment are just downright comforting! This 90-day devotional features truthful and whimsical reflections ...

The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah
Condition: New
£6.99   £2.99

A collection of spiritual teachings which is intended for all religious persuasions and those who seek a spiritual life. These meditational verses which were composed by Baha'u'allah, about the year 1858, while in exile to Iraq, explore the relationship between God and man.

The Qur'an: A Beginner's Guide
Farid Esack
Condition: New
£9.99   £3.99

The Qur'an has spoken to Muslims for over one thousand years; it is seen as law-maker, moral code, and the word of God. This work outlines the key themes and explains the historical and cultural context of this work whilst examining its content, language and style, and the variety of approaches that have been used to interpret it.

God's Story
Mark Jan
Condition: New
£10.99   £8.99

In six days God made everything perfect; but in just one, Man and Woman spoiled it all. Is it any wonder God gets angry and exasperated? This is the story that runs throughout the Old Testament. And this is the story - God's story - that is told here, in 12 chapters.

Practice of the Presence of God (Hodder Classics)
Brother Lawrence
Condition: New
£9.99   £4.99

An especially designed collectible edition of the devotional classic that has helped countless people become aware of the presence of God

Approaching the Qur'an: The Early Revelations (third edition)
Michael Sells
Condition: Used, Very Good
£20.00   £9.99

A new, updated edition of this modern classic in religious publishing, capturing the complexity, power and poetry of the early suras of the Qur'an

Pilgrim's Progress for Younger Readers
John Bunyan
Condition: New
£10.99   £3.99

An adaptation (not a re-telling) of Pilgrim's Progress for younger readers. Faithful to the original, Bunyan's allegory is brought skilfully to a new readership. Traditional illustrations complement the text12 colour plates by Harold Copping and others including Barnard, Engravings by Dalziel, Linton ...

A Brief History of Christianity
Bamber Gascoigne
Condition: New
£8.99   £4.99

The story of Christianity through the individual men and women who shaped it.

Faith and Courage: Praying with Mandela
Condition: New
£16.99   £4.99

Join Makgoba on his journey towards faith - from his boyhood in Alexandra Township, Johannesburg, as the son of a ZCC pastor, to Bishopscourt and spending time with Mandela. The archbishop reveals his pastoral approach to this world icon, and writes eloquently about the influence Mandela had on his ministry to church and nation.

Five Books of Miriam: A Woman's Commentary on the Torah
Condition: Used, Very Good
£13.25   £7.99

Weaving together Jewish lore, the voices of Jewish foremothers, Yiddish fable, midrash and stories of her own imagining, Ellen Frankel has created in this book a breathtakingly vivid exploration into what the Torah means to women. Here are Miriam, Esther, Dinah, Lilith and many other women of the Torah ...

Mathematics Through the Eyes of Faith
James Bradley, Russell Howell
Condition: Used, Very Good
£16.99   £12.99

Ina new addition to the groundbreaking "Through the Eyes of Faith" series, the nation's top Christian professors approach mathematics from a Christian perspective. Co-sponsored by the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, Mathematics Through the Eyes of Faith addresses the Christian student's ...

A Year With Jesus: Daily Readings And Meditations
Eugene H Peterson
Condition: Used, Like New
£15.55   £11.99

Spend a year with Jesus with commentary and meditations by the definitive voice for Christian spirituality today.

Gretta Vosper
Condition: Used, Very Good
£11.39   £6.99

For many people, prayer is an essential part of daily life, connecting them with God, a force or the universe, bringing them, among other things, assistance and protection. Others cannot imagine being so dependent upon a concept they can neither justify nor comprehend. In Amen, Gretta Vosper, United ...

The Evolution of Faith
Philip Gulley
Condition: Used, Very Good
£11.69   £6.99

Philip Gulley, famous for his own controversial theology that affirms universality, urges us in The Evolution of Faith to let go of our tightly held beliefs and start the journey toward a dynamic faith. Faith should always be seen as a work in progress, and this accessible guide will be a must-have tool ...

An Appeal to the World: The Way to Peace in a Time of Division
Dalai Lama
Condition: New
£9.99   £5.99

In An Appeal to the World, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet illuminates the way to peace in our time, arguing for a form of universal ethics that goes beyond religion - values we all share as humans that can help us create unity and peace to heal our world.

Contentment A Way to True Happiness: A Way to True Happiness
R Johnson, J Ruhl
Condition: Used, Good

Giving advice on how to move beyond shallow material expectations of contentment, a noted Jungian psychoanalyst shows how to open oneself up to deeper and more spiritual and abiding satisfactions, living within a mythic world that sanctifies the everyday.

Death By Suburb: How To Keep The Suburbs From Killing Your Soul
David L Goetz
Condition: Used, Very Good

Takes a critical look at the spiritually corrosive influence of suburbia and suburban life, identifying eight toxic elements in the suburban lifestyle--malls, Starbucks, cookie-cutter houses, and the perfect lawn--and introducing eight corresponding disciplines designed to nurture one's spiritual life. ...

Make Your Life Worthwhile
Emmet Fox
Condition: Used, Good

Here are brief, pointed, practical instructions in successful living to help achieve real health, happiness, prosperity, greater security, andpeace of mind. In clear, concise terms, Emmet Fox outlines the sevenmental laws that are the stepping stones to full realization of the inner, spiritual Power ...

Primal Myths
Barbara C Sproul
Condition: Used, Good

A comprehensive collection of creation stories ranging across widely varying times and cultures, including Ancient Egyptian, African, and Native American.

The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic
John Shelby Spong
Condition: Used, Very Good

Rescuing John's Gospel from Its Creedal Captivity John Shelby Spong, bestselling author and popular proponent of a modern, scholarly, and authentic Christianity, argues that this last gospel to be written was misinterpreted by the framers of the fourth-century creeds to be a literal account of the life ...

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