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Recovering Classic Evangelicalism: Applying the Wisdom and Vision of Carl F. H. Henry
Gregory Alan Thornbury
Condition: New
£10.99   £6.99

Carl F. H. Henry, one of the founding patriarchs of evangelicalism, has much to offer the church today. Covering topics such as inerrancy and culture, this book assists theologians and church-goers alike in renewed engagement with today's world.

Be A Better Leader: Personality Type And Difference In Ministry
The Revd Graham Osborne
Condition: New
£14.99   £8.99

A practical handbook to help Christian leaders understand their strengths and weaknesses, using the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality indicator

Living Gently in a Violent World: The Prophetic Witness of Weakness
Jean Vanier, Stanley Hauerwas
Condition: New
£14.99   £7.45

The Dove, the Fig Leaf and the Sword: Why Christianity Changes its Mind About War
Alan Billings
Condition: New
£12.99   £1.99

An intriguing contribution to the literature published to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the Great War in August 2014. The book's primary focus is an attempt to explain why Christianity changes its mind about war at different points in its history.

Messiah: Jesus - The Evidence Of History
Paul W Barnett
Condition: New
£14.25   £7.45

Since Jesus lived so long ago, we assume that we know little about his life story. In fact, we know more about him than many famous people closer to our own time. We have twenty-seven New Testament texts focused on him written by nine different authors; and, although hostile to him, non-Christian writers ...

Mirror Mirror: Discover Your True Identity in Christ
Graham Beynon
Condition: New
£9.99   £5.25

The world tells us that we need a good self-image. The Bible says that we need a right self-image. With a pastor's heart, Graham Beynon, minister at Avenue Community Church in Leicester, helps us realign our thinking by looking into the mirror that is God's word.

The Ethical Vision of the Bible: Learning Good from Knowing God
Peter W. Gosnell
Condition: New

This introduction to the world of biblical ethics walks readers through the ethical teachings of key people and texts within the Bible. Instead of focusing on what the Bible says about various ethical issues, it emphasizes how the different parts of the Bible encourage its readers to think ethically about every issue.

The Unadjusted Gospel
C. J. Mahaney, Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Condition: New
£11.99   £6.99

With contributions from John MacArthur, John Piper, R. C. Sproul, and more, this book highlights the importance of holding fast to a pure and unadulterated gospel, in both preaching and cultural engagement.

Faiths in Conflict?: Christian Integrity In A Multicultural World
V Ramachandra
Condition: New
£13.53   £6.45

An examination of the history, growth and interaction of Islam, Hinduism, Christianity and Buddhism.

Pathway to Jesus: Crossing The Thresholds Of Faith
Don Everts
Condition: New
£8.99   £4.75

In today's postmodern culture, people come to Jesus in a wide variety of ways. If conversion ever was a mechanical, linear process, it is so no longer. Yet neither is it a nebulous spiritual wandering that never culminates in decision and commitment.
Don Everts and Doug Schaupp have listened to the stories ...

The Fire Divine: An Introduction To The Evangelical Revival
David Jones
Condition: New
£9.99   £5.99

The evangelical revival of the eighteenth century was a renewal movement of international proportions. David Ceri Jones offers a lively, accessible and informative introduction to its roots and main events, personalities and ideas, and assesses its wider impact.

Ministry by the Book: New Testament Patterns For Pastoral Leadership
Rev Dr Derek Tidball
Condition: New
£19.99   £9.99

The New Testament writers set before us a number of models of ministry, each of which is shaped by the particular needs of the churches they were serving. Their own backgrounds, ambitions and passions also contribute to what they have to say about ministry. The contours of New Testament pastoral leadership, ...

Introduction to the Devout Life
Condition: New
£10.99   £5.99

A timeless classic on spiritual growth, with an introduction by Piers Paul Read.

The Prayer God longs for
James Emery White
Condition: New
£10.34   £3.15

Takes each phrase of the Lord's Prayer, showing how it develops in us the attitudes that God desires.

When Enough is Enough: A Christian Framework For Environmental Sustainability
Condition: New
£13.82   £7.99

This book offers a Christian approach to living now in the expectation that tomorrow will come - a Christian framework for sustainable development, written by some of the world's experts on the subject. It is a guidebook for living in such a way that we will be better able to give a positive account ...

Meltdown: Making Sense Of A Culture In Crisis
Condition: New
£9.99   £3.99

Our prevailing culture, with its absence of certainties, is a haven for a vast diversity of views and theories, opinions and life-style choices. Common to all this diversity is a rejection of the received wisdom on the past about who we are and what kind of world we live in. Marcus Honeysett takes us ...

The Message of John's Letters: Living In The Love Of God
Condition: New
£10.99   £4.99

John's Letters call us to live in love and truth - a message explored here by David Jackman.

The Paradox of Sonship: Christology in the Epistle to the Hebrews
Dr R. B. Jamieson
Condition: New
£29.99   £8.99

Exploration of the divine sonship of Jesus in the New Testament letter to the Hebrews

Unfolding Grace: 40 Guided Readings through the Bible: 40 Guided Readings through the Bible
Condition: New
£19.99   £7.99

Featuring 40 Scripture selections coupled with easy-to-understand introduction paragraphs, Unfolding Grace helps readers grasp the overall storyline of redemption as it unfolds throughout the Bible.

Essentially One: Striving for the Unity God Loves
Condition: New
£12.99   £3.99

Understanding and confronting issues of division, and developing a greater desire to develop and maintain biblical Christian unity

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