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The Message of Numbers: Journey To The Promised Land
Condition: New
£12.99   £6.45

The book of Numbers, Raymond Brown reveals, offers a portraiture of a better life. Its message is eminently suited to our contemporary world, a world without firm spiritual and moral foundations. The country ahead is the pilgrim's goal and anchor. In contrast to contemporary thinking, Numbers pictures ...

The Message of the Song of Songs: The Lyrics Of Love
Condition: New
£12.99   £8.45

The message of Song of Songs. The Song's affirmation of love, loyalty and commitment, beauty and sexuality, is relevant for our day, pointing to the love and character of God behind human love.

Martyrdom: Why martyrs still matter
Catherine Pepinster
Condition: New
£25.00   £7.99

An exploration and re-examination of the significance of martyrdom for Christians today

Votewise 2015: Helping Christians Engage With The Issues
Guy Brandon
Condition: New

Making a difference at the ballot box and beyond

Is Jesus the Only Way?
Philip Graham Ryken
Condition: New
£7.16   £2.99

This small, well-reasoned book tackles the four major issues that pluralists find most troublesome within Christianity, ultimately proving that Jesus is indeed the only way.

Powering Up: The Fulfillment and Fruit of a God-Fueled Life
Jack Graham
Condition: New
£9.99   £4.99

A transformational resource that ignites believers' understanding and practice of the Holy Spirit's life-altering power so that they think differently, behave distinctly, and victoriously display Christ to the watching world.

Shorter Guide to the Holy Spirit: Bible, Doctrine, Experience
Canon Anthony C. Thiselton
Condition: New
£17.99   £11.99

Anthony Thiselton's scholarly volume The Holy Spirit -- In Biblical Teaching, through the Centuries, and Today was published to wide acclaim in 2013 and won a 2014 Christianity Today Book Award. Through his Shorter Guide to the Holy Spirit readers will be able to access Thiselton's vast biblical-theological ...

Exodus: Freedom to Serve God
Antony Billington
Condition: New
£4.99   £2.99

Freedom is found in knowing who God is and what he has saved us for.

Passion Play 2010 Oberammergau
Condition: New
£25.00   £14.99

A once-in-a-decade performance of The Passion Play comes to life in this richly illustrated book.

ESV Study Bible, Personal Size
Condition: New
£120.93   £89.95

God's Good Economy: Doing Economic Justice In Today's World
Andrew Hartropp
Condition: New
£12.99   £4.99

Andrew Hartropp looks at how Christ's followers are to do justice in our economic relationships: as individuals, as households, in the workplace and as church communities; and how Jesus's disciples can do justice in and through secular institutions, then government institutions, and then in the international/global context.

Reading Buechner: Exploring the Work of a Master Memoirist, Novelist, Theologian, and Preacher
Jeffrey Munroe
Condition: New
£14.99   £7.99

Frederick Buechner is one of the most gifted writers of his generation, with an important legacy as a memoirist, novelist, theologian, and preacher. In this book, Buechner expert Jeff Munroe presents a collection of the true "essentials" from across Buechner's diverse catalog, as well as an overview of Buechner's life and a discussion of the state of his literary legacy today.

Atheism's New Clothes: Exloring And Exposing The Claims Of The New Atheists
David Glass
Condition: New
£19.99   £5.99

In recent years, the publication of best-selling books by Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens has given rise to the New Atheism. For the New Atheists, belief in God is a delusion because it is based on faith rather than evidence, and because science has removed the need ...

Borderlands: Navigating The Adventures Of Spiritual Growth
Mark Brickman
Condition: New
£9.99   £3.99

Borderlands is a biblical meditation on spiritual growth and the process of personal change.

Enriching Our Vision of Reality: Theology and the Natural Sciences in Dialogue
Alister McGrath
Condition: New
£11.99   £4.99

A brilliant exploration of the relation of Christian theology and the natural sciences by one of the world's foremost authorities.

ESV Large Print Compact Bible
Condition: New

ESV Large Print Thinline Reference Bible
Condition: New

The ESV Large Print Thinline Reference Bible combines the popular Thinline Bible features with larger type and cross-references in a highly readable Bible for all uses. Though the Bible text is presented in generous 10.5-point type, the Large Print Thinline Reference Bible is close to one inch thin. ...

Defying the Holocaust: Ten courageous Christians who supported Jews
Tim Dowley
Condition: New
£11.99   £4.99

The stories of ten Christians who, at immense personal risk, protected and rescued Jews from the Nazis.

Preaching in an Age of Distraction
J. Ellsworth Kalas
Condition: New
£11.99   £6.99

How do we preach when all of us-hearers and preachers alike-are constantly distracted? J. Ellsworth Kalas offers wise insights for effective preaching in an age of distraction. He explores how God can meet people precisely at the point of their distraction, connecting through pastoral attentiveness, creativity and excellence.

Standing with the Vulnerable: A Curriculum for Transforming Lives and Communities
Gil Odendaal
Condition: New
£14.94   £6.99

The world has needs. But God is greater than those needs, and he works through his people to accomplish healing and transformation. This ten-session curriculum from World Relief is designed to mobilize the church to engage the great causes of our day, stand with the vulnerable and meet the needs of our neighbors as Jesus did.

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