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Bearing the Word: Prophecy in Biblical and Qur'anic Perspective
Condition: New
£12.99   £8.99

Considers how Muslims and Christians understand prophecy, what their scriptures have in common and how they differ in describing the prophets, and what the places of Jesus and of Muhammad are in the two faiths.

What a Piece of Work: On Being Human
Helen Oppenheimer
Condition: New
£8.95   £3.25

In this small book about a large subject, Oppenheimer ponders what is special about human beings, and invites the reader to look at things that she finds exciting and convincing.

Keeping God's Silence: Towards a Theological Ethics of Communication
R Muers
Condition: New
£40.00   £29.45

Offers a fresh perspective on Christian practices of silence. Written by a Quaker theologian, this title considers the theological and ethical significance of these practices. It relates silence, listening and communication to major contemporary issues. It also takes forward theological engagement with feminist thought.

Paths to Peace: Religion, Ethics & Tolerance in a Globalizing World
Dirk Collier
Condition: New
£22.99   £8.75

Black and white. Left and right. Believers and infidels. Us and them. The list is endless and should make it painfully obvious: differences between people are inherently dangerous Difference divides; it breeds prejudices, fear and hatred; and sometimes, it kills. This is what Paths to Peace is about: ...

Seeds of Trust: Reflecting on the Bible in Silence and Song
Condition: New
£13.99   £3.45

Each meditation is set, over a double page spread, alongside the relevant Bible passage and accompanied by a Taize chant - complete with music - some pertinent questions, and a prayer. The book is suitable for individual or group use, and aims to provide a resource for people to begin or to expand their ...

The Shaping of Prophecy: Passion, Perception and Practicality
Adrian Hastings
Condition: New
£18.99   £3.25

This collection of lectures, essays and sermons combines the history, theology and passion of the moral analysis of modern society, and the Christian responsibility within it. It looks at what prophecy is and gives examples of prophecy which range from Ireland to Bosnia.

Tragic Vision and Divine Compassion: A Contemporary Theodicy
Wendy Farley
Condition: New
£24.00   £9.45


Word Among Us: Insights into the Lectionary Readings, Year A
Stephen Motyer, Martin Kitchen, Georgiana Heskins
Condition: New
£10.99   £3.75

A resource for integrating worship, learning, spiritual formation and daily living, this work is for all who take part in worship, helping them to engage more deeply with the Scripture readings of the day.

Being the Body of Christ in the Age of Management
Lyndon Shakespeare
Condition: New
£24.59   £8.75

"The church needs effective leaders." "We must be more missional." "Better organization is required." Such sentiments are commonplace among Christians concerned with the health and sustainability of their local church as well as the church universal. Over the past thirty years, the desire for more efficiently ...

Divine Empathy: A Theology of God
Condition: New
£17.99   £9.99

A major work from one of today's leading theologians, Divine Empathy attempts to "think the unthinkable," how God comes forth actively and redemptively to meet the human situation. Apologetic but not polemical, Farley's work sympathetically engages yet moves beyond both the classical tradition as well ...

Listening for God: v.1: Contemporary Literature and the Life of Faith
Paula Carlson, Peter S Hawkins
Condition: New
£10.99   £5.25

Each book includes excerpts from the works of eight contemporary American authors, supplemented by author profiles, reflection questions, and a companion video.

A Road to Rome: Walking in the Foothills of Catholicism
Ivan Oliver
Condition: New
£14.99   £7.99

Why, in a world often thought to be 'post-Christian', would anyone seek to convert to Catholicism? Why would they stand up on the day of their reception into the Church and declare publicly that "I believe and profess all that the Holy Catholic Church believes, teaches, and proclaims to be revealed by ...

Apostolic Women, Apostolic Authority: Women in Today's Church
Rosalind Brown, Claire Amos
Condition: New
£16.99   £7.75

The Canterbury Studies in Anglicanism series will meet the growing demand for resources that address the breadth and complexity of contemporary Anglicanism. This volume will appear shortly before General Synod of the Church of England debates the ordination of women as bishops and will speak directly to that issue.

The Way of the Lord: A New Testament Pilgrimage
Brother John of Taize
Condition: New
£13.99   £8.45

In this sequel to "The Pilgrim God

The Essence of Buddhism
Smith Jo Durden
Condition: New
£5.99   £3.25

Theology of God
Dave Armstrong
Condition: New
£12.23   £5.75

The doctrine of God remains as important as ever. The Apostle Paul rebuked the Corinthians in the first century for accepting "another Jesus" and "a different gospel" (2 Cor 11:4). Denial of the deity of Christ and the Holy Trinity were no doubt among the falsehoods condemned by Paul as "doctrines of ...

Building a New Church Alongside the Old
Martin Down
Condition: New
£8.99   £2.75

Are some of our churches simply a memorial to a bygone age? In his hard-hitting but compassionate style, Martin Down pleads with the church not to put tradition before its mission to reach the lost and to be willing to change in order to become relevant.

Is There a God?
Richard Swinburne
Condition: New
£8.99   £3.75

It often seems today that the answers to all fundamental questions lie in the province of science, and that the scientific advances of the 20th century leave little room for God. Swinburne uses the methods of scientific reasoning to argue that the best answers to these questions are given by the existence of God.

ESV Pew and Worship Bible, Large Print
Condition: New

Unearthly Beauty: Through Advent with the Saints
Magdalen Smith
Condition: New
£8.99   £1.99

A reading a day for the busy season of Advent, drawing on the wisdom, inspiration and intriguing idiosyncrasies of holy people of the past.

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