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Life's Blueprint: The Science and Art of Embryo Creation
Benny Shilo
Condition: New

A uniquely accessible way of looking at recent major advances in the science of embryonic development

Leon Gray
Condition: New

Looks at the techniques criminals use to commit cybercrimes, including hacking, viruses, spyware, and spamming.

The Little Book of Ketamine
Kit Kelly
Condition: New

Used worldwide as both an anesthetic and a recreational psychedelic drug, ketamine has recently attracted the attention of medical researchers, law enforcement officers, and people interested in exploring alternative spirituality and consciousness. The book describes the drug's history, its use in the ...

Betting the Earth
John Charles Kunich
Condition: New

Examines how the quest for incontrovertible answers to questions about climate change and mass extinctions leads to a failure to address extreme risks to the environment.

Ecology Is Permanent Economy: The Activism and Environmental Philosophy of Sunderlal Bahuguna
George Alfred James
Condition: New

Explores the nonviolent philosophy and environmental activism of India's Sunderlal Bahuguna.

Future Bright: A Transforming Vision of Human Intelligence
Michael E. Martinez
Condition: New

Future Bright introduces a radical view of human intelligence: it is not a fixed trait, present at birth, but modifiable through experience. Intelligence can be learned. This vision of human potential suggests that an innovative and creative future will result from developing intelligence through experience and education today.

A Quick Start Guide to Google AdWords: Get Your Product to the Top of Google and Reach Your Customers
Mark Harnett
Condition: New

A Quick Start Guide to Google Adwords outlines the background to google, reveals the secret behind pay per click advertising and what sells online and gives vital tips on how to create a great campaign.

Secrets of the Hoary Deep
Riccardo Giacconi
Condition: New

Information Security Breaches: Avoidance and Treatment Based on ISO27001
Michael Krausz
Condition: New

Although breaches of information security are not a new phenomenon, the methods used to perpetrate such breaches have changed considerably over the years. This pocket guide outlines a process and its elements for the treatment of severe breaches, and places them in the context of the associated ISO27001 controls.

Genetics for Hematologists: The Molecular Genetic Basis of Hematological Disorders: v. 3
Condition: New
£25.99   £3.99

This text is a resource for practitioners requiring detailed molecular genetic information on the subject of haematological diseases. It focuses on understanding the basis of a disease at the genetic level and correlating disease pathophysiology.

Making the Most of the Water We Have: The Soft Path Approach to Water Management
Condition: New

The soft path for water is a management strategy that frees up water by curbing water waste. This book presents and applies the water soft path approach. It aims to bring to a wider audience the concept and the potential of water soft paths.

Microbiology for Medical Sciences
Bhagat Singh, Renu Singh
Condition: New

Presents an up-to-date account of medical microbiology. The book explains microbiological concepts that apply to the health-related professions It covers: Fundamentals of Microbiology, Immunology for Microbiology, Systemic Bacteriology, Miscellaneous Microbes and Fungal Pathogens, Applied Medical Microbiology and Pathogenic Viruses and Associated Diseases and Diagnostic Technology.

The Mind: A User's Manual
J.G. Taylor
Condition: New
£14.99   £12.95

While understanding the human mind, to some, remains as elusive as the outer reaches of space, author John Taylor considers the brain nothing more than a highly complex machine--with parts and working processes that can be understood scientifically.

The Mysteries Within: A Surgeon Explores Myth, Medicine, and the Human Body
Sherwin B. Nuland
Condition: New

* "An engaging tale of five organs, the stomach, liver, spleen, heart (his favourite) and uterus and the history of those who tried to understand them." Laurie Tarkan, The New York Times

Limiting the Magnitude of Future Climate Change
National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, America's Climate Choices: Panel on Limiting the Magnitude of Climate Change
Condition: New

Climate change, driven by the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, poses serious, wide-ranging threats to human societies and natural ecosystems around the world. The largest overall source of greenhouse gas emissions is the burning of fossil fuels. The global atmospheric concentration ...

Moments of Truth: Four Creators of Modern Medicine Moments of Truth
Thomas Dormandy
Condition: New
£18.99   £9.95

Arguing that modern medicine is finally a story of individual talent - and the revelatory "moment of truth" - that transforms both scientist and the science of medicine, this fascinating book focuses on four figures who, at critical times during the course of a century, brought medicine a quantum leap forward.

Ethics and Genetics: A Workbook for Practitioners and Students
Guido de Wert, Ruud H.J. ter Meulen, Roberto Mordacci, Mariachiara Tallacchini
Condition: New

This workbook for practitioners and students deals with the ethical implications of clinical genetics, as well as ethical issues involved in genetic screening, the research of populations, and the use of genetic information for access to insurance and the workplace. Suggestions for activities and qu

Medical Identities: Healing, Well Being and Personhood
Condition: New

Looks at how a variety of health providers are perceived - from traditional healers to physicians, from diviners to nursing home providers. This title aims to demonstrate how class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or state policy may all play formative roles in shaping the definition of health and wellbeing and how they are delivered.

Developing Areas: A Book of Readings and Research
Condition: New

Provides an overview of the social, political, economic and population problems of countries in what is usually referred to as the Third World. Emphasis in this volume is placed on the interrelation of major social institutions, their impact on economic and social development, and the effect of rapidly expanding industrialization on the ecosystem.

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