Beyond Cultural Boundaries: Towards Reasoning Our Mental Frameworks Jorge Savio
Our planet is busy dealing with continuous wave-like flows of hordes of empty-headed, culturally fooled, crowds of humans destroying everything in their path while senselessly wasting natural resources, including their own lifetimes. They do so while mostly unconsciously respecting packages of cultural/social "obligations" that most of them never even considered analysing what they actually were, or what they meant, or even if they were worth ruining their lives in the way they often do. It has to be clear that having "obligations," any kind of obligations, is not wrong in itself. On the contrary, rational social obligations, as most of our cultural traditions, have a positive effect as guiding lights to our lives in the context of the sequence of lives where they are framed. Yet, when such obligations, or the contents of often related critically unexamined cultural "traditions," put a person in countersense with life to the point of losing harmony with the natural system, there is a problem. There is no doubt about that. There is, indeed, a cultural problem. Yet, breaking away from such a vicious circle of cultural ignorance is not particularly difficult, even if it certainly requires thinking beyond the reflexive boundaries of our distorting cultural illusions. Indeed, it requires not believing so much in cultural nonsense, and replacing it with rational understanding of what we, as a species, have learned so far.