Sociology & Psychology

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Falling into the Fire: A Psychiatrist's Encounters with the Mind in Crisis
Christine Montross
Condition: New
£8.99   £3.99

An acclaimed writer-doctor shares moving stories of mental illness

Humour, Comedy and Laughter: Obscenities, Paradoxes, Insights and the Renewal of Life
Condition: New

Anthropological writings on humour are not numerous, but they do contain insight into the social processes that underlie joking and laughter. This volume examines the cognitive, social, and moral aspects of humour and its potential to bring about a sense of mutual understanding, even among different and possibly hostile people.

Young People, Welfare and Crime: Governing Non-Participation
Ross Fergusson
Condition: New

Offers a challenging interpretation of the ways in which young people's non-participation is becoming marginalised and criminalised. It re-examines the causes and consequences of youth unemployment in and beyond the UK from an unusually wide range of social science disciplines and perspectives.

Performing Place, Practising Memories: Aboriginal Australians, Hippies and the State
Rosita Henry
Condition: New

During the 1970s a wave of "counter-culture" people moved into rural communities in many parts of Australia. This study focuses in particular on the town of Kuranda in North Queensland and the relationship between the settlers and the local Aboriginal population, concentrating on a number of linked social dramas...

Dynamic Belonging: Contemporary Jewish Collective Identities
Condition: New
£85.00   £9.99

This volume looks at the fluid and dynamic nature of identity-building among Jews and the many issues that cut across different Jewish groupings. An important contribution to scholarship on contemporary Jewry, it reveals the often unrecognized dynamism in new forms of Jewish identification and affiliation in Israel and in the Diaspora.

Young Men in Uncertain Times
Condition: New

Anthropology is particularly well suited to explore the contemporary predicament in the coming of age of young men. Its grounded and comparative empiricism provides the opportunity to move beyond statistics, moral panics, or gender stereotypes in order to explore specific aspects of life course transitions...

Long-term ill health, poverty and ethnicity
Sarah Salway, Lucinda Platt, Punita Chowbey, Kaveri Harriss, Elizabeth Bayliss
Condition: New

This report presents findings from a new investigation into the experiences of individuals living with long-term ill-health and their families. New in-depth qualitative material and secondary analyses of national datasets are used to examine the ways in which long-term ill-health impacts upon poverty.
A free pdf is available at

The Gift of Sublimation: A Psychoanalytic Study of Multiple Masculinities
Donald Capps, Nathan Carlin
Condition: New

A theologically astute exploration of the varieties of masculinity, both historical and contemporary, through the lens of the psychoanalytic concept of sublimation.

The Social Life of Achievement
Condition: New

What happens when people "achieve"? Why do reactions to "achievement" vary so profoundly? And how might an anthropological study of achievement and its consequences allow us to develop a more nuanced model of the motivated agency that operates in the social world? These questions lie at the heart of this volume.

The Family in Question
Stein Ringen
Condition: New

Headscarves and hymens
Mona Eltahawy
Condition: New

Examines the status of women in Arab countries, arguing that misogyny in the Middle East and North Africa is rampant as a result of an unfortunate mixture of cultural and religious factors, and that the women of the region must fight for their rights.

So you've been publicly shamed
Jon Ronson
Condition: New

"From the internationally bestselling author of The Psychopath Test, a captivating and brilliant exploration of one of our world's most overlooked forces. For the past three years, Jon Ronson has been immersing himself in the world of modern-day public shaming-meeting famous shamees, shamers, and bystanders ...

Is shame necessary? : new uses for an old tool
Jennifer Jacquet
Condition: New

Explores the social nature of shame, and the ways in which it might be used, sparingly and pointedly, to promote political change and social reform.

African Immigrant Families in Another France
L. Bass
Condition: New

Immigrant incorporation is a critical challenge for France and other European societies today. Black Africans migrants are racialized and endowed with an immigrant status, which carries low status and is durable into the second generation. This book elucidates the conflict and issues pertinent to social integration.

Social Policies and Social Control: New Perspectives on the 'Not-So-Big Society'
Condition: New

An innovative account of social control and behaviourism within welfare systems and social policies, and the implications for disadvantaged groups.

How to Breathe Underwater: Field Reports from an Age of Radical Change
Chris Turner
Condition: New

Collected essays by a leading journalist on sustainability and the global cleantech industry.

Domesticating Youth: Youth Bulges and their Socio-political Implications in Tajikistan
Sophie Roche
Condition: New

Most of the Muslim societies of the world have entered a demographic transition from high to low fertility, and this process is accompanied by an increase in youth vis-a-vis other age groups. Political scientists and historians have debated whether such a "youth bulge" increases the potential for conflict...

Happiness as Enterprise: An Essay on Neoliberal Life
Sam Binkley
Condition: New

Examines the contemporary discourse on happiness through the lens of governmentality theory. Recent decades have seen an explosion of interest in the phenomenon of happiness, as evidenced by self-help books, talk shows, spiritual mentoring, business management, and relationship counseling. At the center ...

Fifties Ethnicities: The Ethnic Novel and Mass Culture at Midcentury
Tracy Floreani
Condition: New

The World Of Mexican Migrants: The Rock and the Hard Place
Judith Adler Hellman
Condition: New

A suprising, behind-the-scenes look at the lives of Mexican migrants.

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