Slow Travel Family Breaks: perfect escapes in Britain's Special Places - a guide to making the most of precious family holiday time, with trips for all ages focusing on the local, the authentic, the sustainable, the educational and the damn good fun, from the West Country to the south coast, East Anglia, Wales, the Lake District, Northumberland and Scotland.
Travels to Britain's most unfashionable towns to uncover the nation's secret history. Starting on a green bus in Leeds, the city of his birth, and culminating atop the number 94 as it swooshes past Trafalgar Square, the author reclaims British towns from the embarrassment and neglect for which they are famed.
This offers an understanding of British Cinema between 1928 and 1939 through an analysis of the relationship between the British film industry and other 'culture industries' such as the radio, music recording, publishing and early television.