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Crucifixion: Con Trick to Start a Religion?
Condition: New
£2.50   £0.75

Was the death of Jesus just a ruse to start a new religion? Richard Cunningham explores the question: why did Jesus die? Bethinking booklets aim to provide thoughtful answers to difficult questions. They represent exceptional value and are a fantastic resource to give to your friends or hand out at evangelistic ...

The Arrogance of Christianity
Condition: New
£2.50   £0.99

What Women Really Need: Women talk about contentment, love and forgiveness
Condition: New

Do you feel like an ordinary Christian. Not especially gifted or knowledgeable. Does anyone really notice your faith? Does any of it matter? Time to take a look at the Thessalonians.

How to Be a World-Class Christian: Becoming Part of God's Global Kingdom
Paul Borthwick
Condition: New
£13.99   £6.55

How To Be A World-Class Christian shows the reader how to expand in understanding Scripture, increase in global praying and intensify crosscultural outreach—beginning at home

To Tell Afresh
Michael Perham
Condition: New
£8.99   £4.25

Michael Perham, Bishop of Gloucester, explores key Christian beliefs. His approach is readable and accessible yet with the depth of his pastoral experience and theological insight.

Working it Out: God, You and the Work You Do
Ian Coffey
Condition: New
£10.99   £2.90

Can welding a gatepost bring glory to God?
Does ironing your children's uniforms help you grow as a disciple?
Will your new crime prevention strategy do anything to further the kingdom?
To all three Ian Coffey says a resounding 'yes'.

With lively Bible teaching and drawing on a wealth of real-life ...

Looking Towards a Church Fully Reconciled: The Final Report of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission 1983-2005 (Arcic II)
Condition: New
£14.99   £4.99

This volume brings together for the first time the five Agreed Statements of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC).

Liturgies for the Young in Years
Dorothy McRae-McMahon
Condition: New

Offers a diverse collection of liturgies for the 'high days' of the church year. This work focuses on specific themes within the central message of each festival.

Naked Prayers: Honest Confessions to a Loving God
Mara Measor
Condition: New

Singer-songwriter Mara Measor shares a series of authentic prayers through words and doodles. Knowing that many of her contemporaries feel they are no good at praying, Mara fights the notion of 'bad prayers' by suggesting that prayer is simply about getting naked before God, without pretence.

Evaluating Outdated Beliefs: The Transformation of Archaic Beliefs Into Updated Consciousness of the Future
Lloyd E McIlveen
Condition: New

The object of these scripts is to expose and "air out" the unprovable stances and influences of religious belief and its exploitation with no absolute condemnation on conventional beliefs. Conventional religion tends to cancel itself with the passage of time. Detailed descriptions are enclosed. The nutshell ...

Muslim Youth: Challenges, Opportunities and Expectations
Condition: New
£19.99   £9.99

Offers an insight into key contemporary global issues relating to the lives and experiences of young Muslims. This book addresses many of the central issues facing young Muslims in both localized and globalized contexts through engaging with the work of academics, youth work practitioners and those working in non-governmental organizations.

The Love That Made Saint Teresa: Secret Visions, Dark Nights and the Path to Sainthood
David Scott
Condition: New
£9.99   £1.99

Part biography and part spiritual reading, this book brings to light little-known stories from Mother Teresa's life that will help you to grow in your love of God.

Disciples who will last: How to develop an effective youth ministry with lasting impact
Tim Hawkins
Condition: New

You may never have discovered how a regular 'quiet time' can help you grow and mature as a Christian. This short guide will help you get started.

Writing Muslim Identity
Geoffrey Nash
Condition: New
£19.99   £4.99

Examining a range of genres, including novels, memoirs, travel writing and journalism, this book explores representations of Muslims and Islam in modern English literature. It discusses the representation of Muslim identity in writing by non-Muslim writers, former Muslim 'native informants', and practising Muslims.

A Fragile Stone: The Emotional Life of Simon Peter
Michael Card
Condition: New
£14.95   £3.99

Spirituality and History: Questions of Interpretation and Method
Philip Sheldrake
Condition: New
£8.99   £3.99

This book offers something exciting and new in the study of Christian spirituality. In a fresh and sometimes controversial examination of classic texts such as 'The Cloud of Unknowing' and 'The Spiritual Exercises', the author shows how the history of spirituality has been shaped and controlled by the ...

The Incomparable Christ
John R. W. Stott
Condition: New
£9.99   £3.90

Preaching Islamic Revival: Amr Khaled, Mass Media and Social Change in Egypt
Susanne Olsson
Condition: New

Amr Khaled is an Egyptian Muslim activist and television preacher based in Egypt who encourages both social commitment and individual self-fulfilment. Chosen by Time Magazine as one of the world s 100 most influential people, his prominence in the Arabic-speaking world is unparalleled. During the Mubarak ...

Importing Faith: The Effect of American 'Word of Faith' Culture on Contemporary English Evangelical Revivalism
Glyn J. Ackerley
Condition: New

A critical assessment of the influence of the American 'Health, Wealth and Prosperity' religious movement on contemporary British evangelical and charismatic churches.

The Religious Life: The Insights of William James
Donald Capps
Condition: New

A valuable introduction to William James' classic 'The Varieties of Religious Experience', explaining and applying James' insights into the psychology of religious practice and belief.

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