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Muslim Identities and Modernity: The Transformation of Egyptian Culture, Thought and Literature
Maha Habib
Condition: New

Individual Muslim identity (both religious and cultural) is an extremely vital part of the discussion surrounding the future of the Middle East, as well as Muslims in Europe

Benedict XVI: A Guide for the Perplexed
Tracey Rowland
Condition: New
£14.99   £7.99

Presents an upper-level introduction to the thought and theology of Pope Benedict XVI. This title begins with a presentation of the key ideas in the works of his intellectual antecedents and contemporary interlocutors and then moves to an account of Ratzinger's responses to a number of theological crises.

The Hope of Things to Come: Anglicanism and the Future
Condition: New
£14.99   £4.99

A collection of essays by theologians and church leaders on the past, present and future of Anglican theology in the context of the Lambeth Conference of 2008. It assesses the principal theological strands of the classical Anglican tradition (Scripture, Tradition and Reason).

Religion and Science: An Introduction
Brendan Sweetman
Condition: New
£18.99   £5.99

The relationship between religion and science is undoubtedly one of the key issues of our times. Suitable for undergraduate students, this book examines the many complexities of the relationship between religion and science.

The Maturity of Belief: A Critical Introduction to Religious Epistemology
Kevin T. Lowery
Condition: New
£23.99   £4.99

There is growing concern with the problems posed by dogmatic religious belief. This book explores the dynamics of religious belief, and it offers constructive criticism in order to promote the intellectual maturity of religious belief. It presents an argument that intellectual maturity requires us to acknowledge the limitations of our beliefs.

Managing Clergy Lives: Obedience, Sacrifice, Intimacy
Dr Nigel Peyton, Dr Caroline Gatrell
Condition: New
£17.99   £4.99

Managing Clergy Lives gives a unique insight into the everyday lives of Church of England parish priests. It examines how men and women priests manage their many and everyday commitments to God, the Church and their personal relationships. In a fast-changing world, Managing Clergy Lives shows how the ...

Religious Diversity in the UK: Contours and Issues
Paul Weller
Condition: New
£25.99   £4.99

Provides an overview of the religious diversity of the UK. With examples from the author's own research and professional practice, and referring to other key sources, this textbook takes a "critical incident" and "case-study" based approach to some of the major debates arising from that diversity.

A Darkened Reading: A Reception History of the Book of Isaiah in a Divided Church
Robert L. Knetsch
Condition: New

The church in the West has subsisted for five hundred years in a state of ever-increasing multiple identities, many of which claim to be the best representation of the church established by Christ. Often attending novel models of the church are new scriptural interpretive methods that support theological ...

God and the Atlantic: America, Europe, and the Religious Divide
Thomas Albert Howard
Condition: New

The first major work of cultural and intellectual history devoted to the subject of the transatlantic religious divide. Using nineteenth and early twentieth century commentary on the subject, Howard helps us understand why Americans have maintained much friendlier ties with traditional forms of religion than their European counterparts.

The Relevance Of Religion
John Danforth
Condition: New

Argues for the use of religious faith and compassion to help overcome the extremely partisan nature of contemporary politics and restore civic virtue, envisioning a political process and Republican party that uses religion to unite, rather than divide.

Ideas to Live For: Toward a Global Ethics
Giles Gunn
Condition: New

Over the course of his distinguished interdisciplinary career, Giles Gunn has sustained his focus on the continuing threats to our collective sense of the human that seem to result from the link between the collision of fundamental values and the increase of systemic violence. He asks whether such threats ...

The Dove, the Fig Leaf and the Sword: Why Christianity Changes its Mind About War
Alan Billings
Condition: New

An intriguing contribution to the literature published to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the Great War in August 2014. The book's primary focus is an attempt to explain why Christianity changes its mind about war at different points in its history.

The Story We Find Ourselves In: Further Adventures of a New Kind of Christian
Brian McLaren
Condition: New
£12.99   £6.99

Brian McLaren's witty and wise characters take on difficult, faith-busting themes, from evolution and evangelism to death and the meaning of life - and reveal that the answers to life's pressing spiritual questions often come from the most unlikely sources.

Equals: Doing life together
Jenny Baker
Condition: New
£9.99   £1.99

A thoroughly practical guide on how men and women can make the best of doing life together. God intended men and women to live and work together in partnership and in harmony. This exhilarating book explores what that means in real terms.

Saving Power
Bishop Michael Doe
Condition: New

Visions in the Night: Hearing God in Your Dreams
Russ Parker
Condition: New
£9.95   £2.65

Dreams have fascinated humanity for thousands of years. In today's sceptical culture, we tend to dismiss dreams as having little or no importance, yet almost everybody has at least one dream they remember. In the Bible, dreams and visions were seen as powerful ways in which God communicated with his people.

Study of Judaism, The: Authenticity, Identity, Scholarship
Aaron W. Hughes
Condition: New

A Monastery in Time: The Making of Mongolian Buddhism
Caroline Humphrey, Hurelbaatar Ujeed
Condition: New

Describes the life of a Mongolian Buddhist monastery - the Mergen Monastery in Inner Mongolia - from inside its walls. From the Qing occupation of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries through the Cultural Revolution, the authors tell a story of religious formation, suppression, and survival over a history that spans three centuries.

Christian Belief for Everyone: The Living God
Alister McGrath
Condition: New
£8.99   £2.99

The Christian Belief for Everyone series comprises five guides to the basic ideas of the Christian faith. Full of stories and helpful illustrations, these guides have been written primarily for ordinary churchgoers, though they will no doubt also appeal to interested readers outside the church.

Growing Souls: Experiments in Contemplative Youth Ministry
Mark Yaconelli
Condition: New
£9.99   £4.99

Covering contemplative youth ministry, this title presents the work of the project, as well as giving voice to the scholars, youth workers, pastors, and youth who shared in its work.

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