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The Lectionary 2012: Common Worship and Book of Common Prayer
Common Worship
Condition: New
£4.99   £0.99

The SPCK Lectionary provides a streamlined and clearly laid-out presentation of the Common Worship calendar and lectionary, with BCP readings on the same page. Sundays and major festivals are covered, as well as weekday services.

Questions of Life and Death: Christian Faith and Medical Intervention
Richard Harries
Condition: New
£10.99   £3.99

Richard Harries has been at the heart of thinking about issues include cloning, human-animal hybrids and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. He shows that the Western Christian tradition is compatible with work in this area.

New Challenges for Christians: From Test Tube Babies to Euthanasia
Robin Gill
Condition: New

Accessible introduction to the public issues on which a Christian needs to take a view. Theologians are involved in a wide variety of public committees concerned with ethical issues arising from modern science.

Face to Face with God: Moses, Eluma and Job
Trevor Dennis
Condition: New

Goes to the heart of the books of Exodus, Judges and Job and finds stories that are plain speaking, robust, vigorous and abrasive in character. They bring all the human emotions of astonishment, love, joy, relief, frustration, bitterness and anger before God, as though the narrator were talking to God as a friend.

The Lectionary 2011: Common Worship and Book of Common Prayer
Condition: New

The SPCK Lectionary provides a streamlined and clearly laid-out presentation of the Common Worship calendar and lectionary, with BCP readings on the same page.

Making Sense of Faith in God: How Belief Makes Science Possible
Jonathan Clatworthy
Condition: New

This book deals with the popular interest in spirituality, and physicists' interest in God, as opposed by the new atheists. It also considers the role of God in a secular society.

The Resurrection of Peace: A Gospel Journey to Easter and Beyond
Mary Grey
Condition: New
£7.99   £0.99

Mary Grey takes the reader on a contemporary Lenten journey through a series of profound theological reflections on the search for peace and reconciliation in Israel/Palestine. Along the way she explores the core Christian concepts of redemption, atonement and resurrection from the perspective of justice-making in the real world.

Free to Live: Expressing the Love of Christ in an Age of Debt
Guy Brandon
Condition: New

Aims to offer a whole-life, relational solution to the problems of our debt-driven society, helping Christians to shape their lives according to biblical principles.

Uncovering Sin: A Gateway to Healing and Calling
Rosy Fairhurst
Condition: New

A short Lent book seeing sin not as something to be condemned, but as something to be understood, i.e. a diagnosis which leads to the strong medicine of salvation. Includes questions for group or individual reflection.

Gospel in Action: A New Evangelization Day by Day
Gary Brandl, Thomas Ess
Condition: New

Gospel in Action helps to bridge the gap that so often exists between the Gospel message and our daily lives. By providing short and compelling personal stories we see what it looks like when the Gospel is applied to real life and lived out.

Life-Changing Verses: Volume 2
Carlton Lee Arnold
Condition: New

Human and Divine: A Personal Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
Pamela J. Hill
Condition: New

Life Changing Verses: Volume 1
Carlton Lee Arnold
Condition: New

Three Windows on Heaven: Acceptance of Others - Dialogue and Peace in the Sacred Texts of the Three Abrahamic Religions
Dr Aly El-Samman
Condition: New

Statements commissioned from prominent figures in the three great monotheistic faiths and presented in a single volume to strengthen relations.

Family in Buddhism
Condition: New

A wide-ranging exploration of Buddhism and family in Asia—from biological families to families created in monasteries. The Buddha left his home and family and enjoined his followers to go forth and “become homeless.” With a traditionally celibate clergy, Asian Buddhism is often regarded as a world-renouncing ...

The Search for Truth about Islam: A Christian Pastor Separates Fact from Fiction
Ben Daniel
Condition: New

Presbyterian pastor Ben Daniel tackles common stereotypes and misconceptions that tend to define Islam in the popular imagination.

They Who Give From Evil: The Response of the Eastern Church to Moneylending in the Early Christian Era
Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen
Condition: New

An intriguing analysis of how the early Eastern Church dealt with the theological and social implications of debt and usury.

How to be Wise: Growing in Discernment and Love
Rod Garner
Condition: New

How to be Wise opens with an unexpectedly entertaining survey of the philosophical and religious roots of wisdom. The author then considers how literature can enable us to discover more about ourselves; he probes the spiritual dimension of music, and the significance of silence.

Watching, Waiting, Walking
Andy Rider
Condition: New
£7.99   £2.99

Brand New Church?: The Church and the Postmodern Condition
Graeme Fancourt
Condition: New
£12.99   £3.99

Brand New Church? aims to make sense of what 'post-modern' actually looks and feels like in real life, and to ask what this means for the church. The book attempts to discover what those involved in practising church within post-modern cultures really believe and hope for.

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