In eighteenth-century England, "variety" became a prized aesthetic in musical culture. Not only was variety--of counterpoint, harmony, melody, and orchestration--expected for good composition, but it also manifested in cultural mediums such as songbook anthologies, which compiled miscellaneous songs ...
De l'Atlantique à la mer Rouge, le Sahara prend l'Afrique en écharpe, étirant à l'infini son extrême sécheresse sur 8 millions de km2. Entre dunes spectaculaires, forteresses de pierre et oasis édéniques, le plus grand désert du monde dissimule une formidable diversité. Le photographe Philippe ...
Stanley Mandelstam (1928-2016) was one of the most influential and respected particle theorists. Coming as a young chemical engineer from South Africa to study theoretical physics in England, he quickly became a leading physicist in his field. With his deep understanding of quantum field theory, he ...