In an innovative, thrilling literary style inspired by the syncopated rhythms of modern music, Viola Di Grado has written a most unusual love story, one as unpredictable as the human heart. Camelia is a young Italian woman who lives with her mother in Leeds, a city where it is always December and ...
'Beautiful, like a muddy journey through time . . . a really important book' RAYNOR WINN, author of The Salt Path Lisa Woollett has spent her life combing beaches and mudlarking, collecting curious fragments of the past: from Roman tiles and Tudor thimbles, to Victorian buttons and plastic soldiers. ...
Glitz It Up is packed with over 50 brilliant, easy and stylish ideas for personalizing your clothes - everything from edging a skirt or top with sequins, beads, ribbon, feathers and velvet to decorating clothes with embroidery or applique. Whether you want to give a new lease of life to a tired-looking ...