Key Market Concepts: 100 financial terms explained
Robert Steiner
This is an age of innovation. A time when industries are evolving quicker than most of us can comprehend. A time of technological change when deals and communications take place at the speed of light, when the strategies and systems of tomorrow are needed today, and when survival is not just down to the knowledge you possess, but to knowing how to apply it. In the finance industry these developments and changes are occurring quicker than in any other commercial sector. Market professionals are not only being faced with a blizzard of new financial instruments and concepts, they are also being expected to understand them and know how to use them to full effect. Key Market Concepts is a practical reference tool for anyone studying on finance courses. It provides full explanations of 100 essential financial terms, providing you with detail of what each concept is, how it works, when it is likely to arise, and how best to use it. For each term it establishes a definition, describes situations and conditions in which it may be encountered, outlines the nuts and bolts of its operation and explains related terminology. Entries are supported by necessary formulas, and illustrated with worked examples.