My Mind Won't Shut Up!: Meditation for People Who Don't Meditate Linda Williamson, Marion Williamson
Warning... this book has not been written by a monk and you don't have to be interested in clean-living, mantras or attaining oneness with the Universe to find it helpful. This is a simple, easy to follow and sometimes funny non-confrontational book on how you can use meditation to help you be aware of the present moment. The more aware you become of your repetitive internal gibberish, the easier it will become to spot unhelpful thoughts, drop them, or replace them with kinder ones. This applies to anyone's mind. What this book is... Everything you need to know about meditation without being too po-faced. Squishes the popular myths and tells you like it is. Shows you how to manage your preposterously messy brain, making you feel a bit happier and more in control. Shows you how to tackle all your wriggly excuses. What this book isn't... A spiritual journey. It will not provide you with a complete guide on how to control your thoughts and feelings - having a chaotic mind is just an annoying part of being human. There's nothing religious in it. It won't make you better at Kung Fu. Written by two sturdy-legged, chip eating meditating sisters from Scotland, My Mind Won't Shut Up is the book they looked for to give to friends, but couldn't find... so they wrote this for you.