Victory for Kids David L. Brennan, Malcolm Baroway
This book is the story of two amazing passages -- one of an idea, the other of a man -- and how they came together to bring about one of the most socially significant Supreme Court decisions in recent history.The first story traces the history-making Cleveland Voucher Program from its intellectual inception in 1992 to its approval by the Supreme Court of the United States on June 27, 2002.Things may never be the same again for the education establishment In the US. The highest court in the land, by upholding the Cleveland Voucher Program, has finally allowed competition with the established public school system for the taxpayers' dollar. Failing public schools and dysfunctional systems are no longer safe from competition. The children of the working poor and the ecomonically disadvantaged need no longer be sentenced to snake pit schools.The parallel story is that of Dave Brennan, who shepherded the Cleveland Voucher Program from its scratch-paper beginnings to its vindication by the nation's highest court. It traces Dave's own passage from highly successful manufacturing entrepreneur to educational advocate.Victory for Kids is a must have for all taxpayers. . .not just those interested in educational issues and the government's involvement in education. You don't have to be a parent to care about this seminal case.