The Last Oil Shock: A Survival Guide to the Imminent Extinction of Petroleum Man

The Last Oil Shock: A Survival Guide to the Imminent Extinction of Petroleum Man

David Strahan
Our Price:  £3.99



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Author:  David Strahan
Condition:  New
Format:  Paperback
Pages:  304
Publisher:  John Murray Press
Year:  2008
ISBN:  9780719564246

This may be the most important book you or anyone else will read in the next fifty years. Assuming humanity survives that long. Draining the lifeblood of industrial civilization, the terminal decline of oil and gas production will spark a crisis far more dangerous than international terrorism, and more urgent than climate change. World leaders know it, so why aren't they telling?

The last oil shock is the secret behind the crises in Iraq and Iran, the reason your gas bill is going through the roof, the basis of a secret deal cooked up in Texas between George Bush and Tony Blair, the cause of an imminent and unprecedented economic collapse, and the reason you may soon be kissing your car keys and boarding pass goodbye. David Strahan explains how we reached this critical state, how the silence of governments, oil companies and environmentalists conspires to keep the public in the dark, what it means for energy policy, and what you can do to protect yourself and your family from the ravages of the last oil shock.

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