Politics/Current Affairs

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Depicting the Veil: Transnational Sexism and the War on Terror
Robin L. Riley
Condition: New
£21.99   £5.99

Examining media and pop culture from Sex and the City 2 to Vanity Fair and Time Magazine, Robin Riley uses transnational feminist analysis to reveal how transnational sexism towards Muslim women in general and Afghan and Iraqi women in particular has led to a new form of gender imperialism.

The Constitution of Brazil: A Contextual Analysis
Virgilio Afonso da Silva
Condition: New
£80.00   £7.99

This book offers an original and comprehensive analysis of Brazilian constitutional law and shows how the 1988 Constitution has been a cornerstone in Brazil's struggle to achieve institutional stability and promote the enforcement of fundamental rights. In the realm of rights, although much has been ...

US Approaches to the Arab Uprisings: International Relations and Democracy Promotion
Condition: New
£110.00   £8.99

From violent protests in Cairo and Manama to the ousting of Libya's Gaddafi and the beginning of the Syrian Civil War, the series of uprisings which swept through the Middle East and North Africa from late 2010 have been burdened with the collective hopes and expectations of the world.

Making Revolution in Egypt: The 6 April Youth Movement in a Global Context
Ali Sonay
Condition: New
£110.00   £8.99

The April 6th Youth Movement began as a Facebook page that sought to mobilize young Egyptians' support for striking industrial workers.

Private Security in Africa: From the Global Assemblage to the Everyday
Condition: New
£26.99   £6.99

A comprehensive analysis of the rise of private security providers across Africa, and its implications for African states and societies

Criminal Law Reform Now: Proposals & Critique
Condition: New
£90.00   £8.99

If you could change one part of the criminal law, what would it be? The editors put this question to nine leading academics and practitioners. The first nine chapters of the collection present their responses in the form of legal reform proposals, with topics ranging across criminal law, criminal justice ...

Education in the European Union: Pre-2003 Member States
Condition: New
£42.99   £6.99

Exploring the development of educational provision and contemporary issues, this bookcovers the countries that made up the European Union from its foundation to the signing of the Treaty of Nice: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, ...

Feminist Engagement with International Criminal Law: Norm Transfer, Complementarity, Rape and Consent
Eithne Dowds
Condition: New
£85.00   £8.99

This work introduces and further develops the feminist strategy of 'norm transfer': the proposal that feminist informed standards created at the level of international criminal law make their way into domestic contexts. Situating this strategy within the complementarity regime of the International Criminal ...

Fighting Cross-Border Cartels: The Perspective of the Young and Small Competition Authorities
Pierre Horna
Condition: New
£95.00   £8.99

This book is the first detailed treatment of the approaches taken to enforce competition laws against cross-border cartels (CBCs) from the perspective of young and small competition authorities (more than 70% of the total number of authorities worldwide). No other legal or inter-disciplinary scholarship ...

Form and Substance in the Law of Obligations
Condition: New
£120.00   £9.99

This volume explores the relationship between form and substance in the law of obligations. It builds on the rich tradition of legal thought that deploys the concepts of form and substance to inform our understanding of the common law. The essays in this collection offer multiple conceptions of form ...

Homegrown: ISIS in America
Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens, Seamus Hughes, Bennett Clifford
Condition: New
£30.00   £8.99

How big is the threat posed by American ISIS supporters? How many Americans have joined ISIS and how many want to return to the United States? Compared to participation by Americans in other jihadist groups, the scale of American involvement in jihadist activity today is unprecedented. This book, from ...

Iran, the Green Movement and the USA: The Fox and the Paradox
Hamid Dabashi
Condition: New
£19.99   £4.99

Presents the dilemma that the West faces in dealing with Iran and the impact of the the Green Movement on this interaction.

Irregular War: The New Threat from the Margins
Paul Rogers
Condition: New
£35.00   £19.99

The first book to put the failure of the war on terror and the rise of Islamic State in the wider context of a future world of irregular war.

Israel in Africa: Security, Migration, Interstate Politics
Yotam Gidron
Condition: New
£14.99   £4.99

Reveals Israel's increasing efforts to form alliances in Africa, explaining what this means for the continent and wider geopolitics.

Neoliberal Turkey and its Discontents: Economic Policy and the Environment under Erdogan
Condition: New
£120.00   £9.99

The 'neoliberal' economic policy of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's AKP Party, which has delivered extraordinary growth in Turkish GDP over the last decade, has been one of the foundations of the party's popular appeal.

Nuclear Iran: The Birth of an Atomic State
David Patrikarakos
Condition: New
£40.00   £8.99

This ground-breaking book argues that Iran's nuclear programme and the modern history of the country itself are irretrievably linked; and only by understanding one can we understand the other.

Rewriting Children's Rights Judgments: From Academic Vision to New Practice
Condition: New
£95.00   £9.99

This important edited collection is the culmination of research undertaken by the Children's Rights Judgments Project. This initiative involved academic experts revisiting existing case law, drawn from a range of legal sub-disciplines and jurisdictions, and redrafting the judgment from a children's rights ...

Scroungers: Moral Panics and Media Myths
James Morrison
Condition: New
£21.99   £5.99

An examination of the disturbing rise of 'scrounger-phobia' in the media and society at large, and how this has fuelled popular hostility towards benefit claimants.

The Constitutional Structure of Europe's Area of 'Freedom, Security and Justice' and the Right to Justification
Ester Herlin-Karnell
Condition: New
£85.00   £8.99

This book explores the implications of freedom as a non-domination-oriented view for understanding EU security regulation and its constitutional implications. At a time when the European borders are under pressure and with the refugee and migration crisis, which escalated in 2015, the idea of exploring ...

The Frontiers of Public Law
Condition: New
£95.00   £12.99

This major collection contains selected papers from the third Public Law Conference, an international conference hosted by the University of Melbourne in July 2018. The collection includes contributions by leading academics and senior judges from across the common law world, including Australia, Canada, ...

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