Politics/Current Affairs

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Women's Emancipation and Civil Society Organisations: Challenging or Maintaining the Status Quo?
Condition: New

This collection examines the nexus between the emancipation of women, and their role(s) in civil service organisations. It covers the role of social media in organising, the significance of religion in many cultural contexts, activism in Eastern Europe and the impact of environmental degradation on women's lives.

Spatial Planning and Resilience Following Disasters: International and Comparative Perspectives
Condition: New

International contributors from academia, research, policy and practice use their experience and knowledge to explore on-going efforts to improve spatial resilience across the globe and predict future trends.

Squaring the Circle on Brexit: Could the Norway Model Work?
John Erik Fossum, Hans Petter Graver
Condition: New

Two preeminent Norwegian scholars of politics and law offer a comprehensive first-hand account of Norway's relationship with the EU and how this affects the country's legal and political system, setting out what Britain can learn from Norway's experience and how transferable these lessons are.

Coalition Diaries: 2012-2015
David Laws
Condition: New
£25.00   £8.99

Frank, funny and shocking: the inside account of the Coalition government. David Law's account of the 2010 - 2015 government, 'Coalition', was published to wide acclaim

Coalition: The Inside Story of the Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition Government
David Laws
Condition: New
£12.99   £4.99

Coalition is the definitive insider account of the historic Conservative-Lib Dem coalition from its birth in 2010 through to its demise in May 2015.

Hammer of the Left: The Battle for the Soul of the Labour Party
John Golding
Condition: New
£10.99   £3.99

Hammer of the Left is a visceral, no-holds-barred account of political intrigue and warfare. It is a vivid portrait of one of the most turbulent times in the history of Labour, and a timely reminder for the party of today of the dangers of disunity and of drifting too far from electoral reality.

Omnirambles: Collected Writings of Damian Mcbride
Damian McBride
Condition: New

The collected musings of Damian McBride.

More Sex, Lies and the Ballot Box: Another Fifty Things You Need to Know About British Elections
Condition: New
£14.99   £3.99

An absolutely fascinating look at the world of political polling, examining the fallacies that appear to drive our politicians, drawing conclusions, some obvious and some counter intuitive.

Banking on Democracy: Financial Markets and Elections in Emerging Countries
Javier Santiso
Condition: New

A data-driven investigation of the interaction between politics and finance in emerging markets, focusing on Latin America. Politics matter for financial markets and financial markets matter for politics, and nowhere is this relationship more apparent than in emerging markets. In Banking on Democracy, ...

Against the Troika: Crisis and Austerity in the Eurozone
Heiner Flassbeck, Costas Lapavitsas
Condition: New
£9.99   £3.99

As Syriza comes to power in Greece, a radical anti-capitalist alternative to Eurozone austerity.

Private Island: Why Britain Now Belongs to Someone Else
James Meek
Condition: New
£12.99   £4.99

How the British government packaged and sold its people to the world

Shattered Hopes: Obama's Failure to Broker Israeli-Palestinian Peace
Josh Ruebner
Condition: New
£16.99   £6.99

President Barack Obama's first trip abroad in his second term took him to Israel and the Palestinian West Bank, where he despondently admitted to those waiting for words of encouragement, "It is a hard slog to work through all of these issues." Contrast this gloomy assessment with Obama's optimism on ...

The Case For Withdrawal From Afghanistan
Nick Turse
Condition: New
£9.99   £5.99

In a collection of essays that argue against President Obama's policy in Afghanistan, leading analysts examine the current U.S. strategy and offer sobering conclusions about its parallels to the British and Soviet wars in the region and reasons why it is so unlikely to succeed. Original.

The Impostor: BHL in Wonderland
Jade Lindgaard, Xavier De La Porte
Condition: New
£9.99   £3.99

Verso Counterblast on the philosopher, or 'crass booby', Bernard Henri Levy.

Learning from the World: New Ideas to Redevelop America
Condition: New

In this far-ranging and provocative volume, Joe Colombano and Aniket Shah provide global perspectives on the most significant challenges facing modern America, seeking to inspire new ideas to redevelop America.

Africa: A Beginner's Guide
Tom Young
Condition: New
£9.99   £4.99

Vast, diverse, dynamic, and turbulent, the true nature of Africa is often obscured by its poverty-stricken image. This guide analyses the continent's political history and the factors behind its dismal economic performance.

Political Communication in the Republic of Ireland
Condition: New
£19.99   £4.99

Brings together academics and practitioners to present an overview of the development and current shape of political communication in the Republic of Ireland from a multiplicity of perspectives and sources.

CyberWar, CyberTerror, CyberCrime
Julie E. Mehan
Condition: New

Introduces readers to the practical use of standards and best practices to address significant security problems, such as those presented by cyberwar, cyberterror, and cybercrime. This book also identifies a body of knowledge useful to acquire, develop, and sustain a secure information environment.

Trump's Populist America
Steven Rosefielde
Condition: New

In Trump's Populist America, author Steven Rosefielde argues that the policies Trump fashions are not half measures, but stem from an understanding of his supporters and their desire for an elected government that is attuned to the common man's concerns. Through this lens, voting for Trump can be seen ...

Southeast Asia And China: A Contest In Mutual Socialization
Condition: New

The recent uncertainties over the South China Sea have become one major issue in the relations between China and Southeast Asian countries. The South China Sea issue, however, is countered by the deepening economic integration between China and Southeast Asia, which is likely to continue should China's ...

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