Politics/Current Affairs

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The Spirit of New Socialism: And the End of Class-Based Politics
Robert Corfe
Condition: New

Changes in society over the past 50 years call for a new type of Socialism, and this book presents a striking new dynamic to attract the 90 per cent majority in the industrialised economies of today.

Elusive Victories: The American Presidency at War
Andrew J. Polsky
Condition: New

A penetrating analysis of the multiple dimensions of presidential leadership in wartime

Mobilizing Restraint: Democracy and Industrial Conflict in Post-Reform South Asia
Emmanuel Teitelbaum
Condition: New

In Mobilizing Restraint, Emmanuel Teitelbaum argues that, contrary to conventional wisdom, democracies are better at managing industrial conflict than authoritarian regimes.

Culture and Belonging in Divided Societies: Contestation and Symbolic Landscapes
Condition: New

Why do people invest so much emotional energy and resources in conflicts over images, symbols, rituals, and other cultural expressions? The answers explored in Culture and Belonging in Divided Societies view such expressions as barriers to or opportunities for inclusion in a divided society's symbolic landscape and political life.

Citizen's Primer for Conservation Activism: How to Fight Development in Your Community
Judith Perlman
Condition: New

Takes you through the various steps necessary to stop unplanned development in your community.

Beyond Bali: Strategic Issues for the Post-2012 Climate Change Regime
Condition: New

Senior policymakers, parliamentarians, business executives, and researchers from both industrialized and developing countries contribute short, authoritative think-pieces on the key issues for the climate change agenda from Bali until a post-2012 settlement.

In Praise of Indecency: The Leading Investigative Satirist Sounds off on Hypocrisy, Censorship and Free Expression
Paul Krassner
Condition: New
£10.99   £2.99

Paul Krassner's style of personal journalism constantly blurs the line between the observer and the participant. Nowhere is this more apparent than in this collection of essays and interviews culled from his columns at AVN online. With a biting wit and tongue firmly planted in cheek, Paul Krassner reveals ...

Fragmented Families, Poverty, and Women's Reproductive Narratives in South Africa
Kammila Naidoo
Condition: New

Fragmented Families addresses a central question in the demographic debates on poverty and fertility transition in southern Africa: . In what ways do women's recurrent encounters with poverty serve to shape their sexual unions, social relationships and reproductive practices? The book focuses on the ...

China's Economic Zones: Design, Implementation and Impact
Condition: New

Examines China's eight Special Economic Zones in the order in which they were established. Coverage includes the background to the SEZ's establishment and a description of its development, while the reform policy-making process, achievements, challenges and difficulties which will need to be faced for future development are also explored.

Children in Crisis: Seeking Child-Sensitive Policy Responses
Caroline Harper, Ronald U. Mendoza, David Stewart, Erika Strand
Condition: New

Experts from the global North and South analyze the implications of economic crises on children, with a particular focus on the emerging evidence from the recent global economic crisis and food and fuel price volatility of 2008-2010. They point out key policy responses deployed by governments and international agencies.

The Influence of Campaign Contributions in State Legislatures: The Effects of Institutions and Politics
Lynda W. Powell
Condition: New

Campaign contributions are widely viewed as a corrupting influence but most scholarly research concludes that they have marginal impact on legislative behaviour. Lynda W. Powell shows that contributions have considerable influence in some state legislatures but very little in others.

Culture and Politics: Identity and Conflict in a Multicultural World
Condition: New

With "race" being discredited as a rallying cry for populist movements because of the atrocities committed in its name during World War II, "culture" has been adopted by right-wing groups instead, but used in the same exclusionary manner as racism was. This volume examines the essentialism, which is ...

India Rising: Travels in Modern India
Oliver Balch
Condition: New
£14.99   £6.99

Featutres the voices and stories of everyday Indians and presents a personalised account of the changes as they are unfolding. Travelling the length and breadth of the country, this book leads readers off the tourist trail and onto the streets of modern day India.

Party Politics in Post-communist Russia
Condition: New

This work provides an in-depth analysis of the institutional development and behaviour of political parties and of the emerging party system in Russia, 1990-1996.

Global Corruption Report 2004: Special Focus: Political Corruption
Transparency International
Condition: New
£22.99   £2.99

'The first attempt by any organisation to map the global fight against corruption.' Guardian

Special focus on political corruption.

Political Theory and Australian Multiculturalism
Condition: New

Multiculturalism has been one of the dominant concerns in political theory over the last decade. To date, this inquiry has been mostly informed by, or applied to, the Canadian, American, and increasingly, the European contexts. This volume explores for the first time how the Australian experience both relates and contributes to political thought...

Lies, Damned Lies and Iraq: An Indepth Analysis into the Case for War and How it Was Misrepresented
Peter Kilfoyle
Condition: New
£16.99   £16.95

A charismatic Prime Minister from County Durham takes the country to war in the Middle East. The whole adventure falls apart. The Prime Minister resigns, and his Chancellor steps up to take his place. This is not a reference to Tony Blair, but to the calamity which Sir Anthony Eden brought upon himself at Suez. This book deals with this topic.

Bigger Book of Boris
Condition: New
£6.99   £2.99

A collection of the greatest quotes from the inimitable politician

Security Challenges and Military Politics in East Asia: From State Building to Post-democratization
Jongseok Woo
Condition: New

Examines the political role played by armed forces in South Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Taiwan. This work analyzes how security threats have shaped the military's organization, doctrine, and domestic political role at various stages of political development, from the state-building period to today's post-democratization era.

Grant Park
Candice J. Nelson
Condition: New

In the forty-year span between 1968 and 2008, the United States underwent great change in nearly every avenue of life -economics, social mores, demographics, technology, and, of course, politics.

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