Politics/Current Affairs

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Managng Chang Korean Peninsla Pb
Condition: New

This report, sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations, was done by an Independent Task Force on Managing Change on the Korean Peninsula. Noting that the new Republic of Korea government has taken steps to open North Korea to broader contacts with the outside world while asserting that it will brook ...

After Suez: Adrift in the American Century
Martin Woollacott
Condition: New
£18.99   £5.99

With Tony Blair and George Bush's authority ever more threatened by the blowback from their venture in the Middle East, the Suez Crisis of 1956, has taken on a new relevance. Years after Antony Eden's fateful decision to take on the Egyptian President, this work retraces the legacy of this dramatic foreign policy blunder.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Surveillance
Robin Tudge
Condition: New

In the world of CCTV, email and DNA, this book shows the extent to which Big Brother is watching us all.

Contemporary Britain
John McCormick
Condition: New

This volume is a concise introduction to political, economic and social life in Britain. Illustrated with maps, charts and tables throughout, the book assumes no prior knowledge, and places current developments clearly in their historical, cultural, international and comparative context.

State of the World: The Challenge of Global Sustainability: 2006
Worldwatch Institute
Condition: New
£14.99   £2.49

An annual guide to a sustainable future, with particular attention to China and India, two of the world's rapidly developing countries in terms of industry, population and significance to the global economy, and associated impacts on the environment. This book draws on the expertise of the Worldwatch Institute's team of writers and researchers.

'Brothers' or Others?: Propriety and Gender for Muslim Arab Sudanese in Egypt
Anita H. Fabos
Condition: New
£85.00   £9.99

Muslim Arab Sudanese in Cairo have played a fundamental role in Egyptian history and society during many centuries of close relations between Egypt and Sudan. This book presents an ethnographic study which shows that Sudanese ethnic identity is created from deeply held social values, especially those concerning gender and propriety.

Launching the Grand Coalition: The 2005 Bundestag Election and the Future of German Politics
Condition: New
£23.95   £4.99

Presents an analysis of one of the most dramatic and important election years in postwar Germany. This book addresses different issues, including the transatlantic relationship, EU policy, voting behavior and far Right parties. It is useful for students of German, European and comparative politics.

Nationalism's Bloody Terrain: Racism, Class Inequality, and the Politics of Recognition
Condition: New
£5.95   £2.99

Places the practices of racism at the center of analysis of so-called post-racist or multi-cultural nation-states. This volume treats racism and its related concepts of race, identity, culture, and naturalizing symbols of blood to highlight the manner in which governing institutions use nationalist precepts to create "races."

Racism in Metropolitan Areas
Condition: New

For several decades, a political discourse, which incites exclusion and hatred againt those who are perceived as different, has been gaining ground, most notably in affluent and developed countries. Focusing on the growth of racism in large cities and urban areas, this volume presents the views of ...

Simulated Dreams: Zionist Dreams for Israeli Youth
Haim Hazan
Condition: New
£99.00   £4.99

In light of the curve balls the times are throwing at the identity, priorities, and world views of young Israelis, Hazan (social anthropology, Tel Aviv U.) constructs an ethnographically informed discourse pertaining to the tension and interplay between the mythical framework and formulae of Zionism

The End of the Berlusconi Era?
Condition: New
£47.95   £4.99

While Italian politics may appear on the surface to be evolving towards a Westminster model with right- and left-wing blocs alternating in power, this impression is belied by the often nervous and disconnected way in which events unfolded in 2005.

The Men We Loved: Male Friendship and Nationalism in Israeli Culture
Danny Kaplan
Condition: New
£23.95   £2.99

Follows selected stories of friendship ranging over early childhood, school, the workplace, and some unique war experiences. This book explores the symbolism of friendship in rituals for the fallen soldiers, the commemoration of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and the national infatuation with recovering bodies of missing soldiers.

The Politics of Egalitarianism: Theory and Practice
Condition: New
£75.00   £4.99

Written in honor of prominent anthropologist Richard B Lee who is concerned with understanding and acting upon issues of indigenous rights, the impact of colonialism and post colonial state formation on local communities and cultures. This book defines persistent problems that deeply affect the majority of the world's cultures.

A Fearful Symmetry: The New Soldier in the Age of Asymmetric Conflict
Rumu Sarkar
Condition: New

This title provides a new and original framework for analysis of global terrorism, with a view to understanding and resolving Islamic-based, fundamentalist jihadism.

Whose Side are They on: How Britain's Bonkers Government is Coming After You
Alan Pearce
Condition: New
£9.99   £3.99

A guide to the bonkers world of Britain's government that features 240,000 rules and regulations.

Trans-Atlantic Divide: The USA/Euroland Rift?
John J. Metzler
Condition: New

This book brings a needed balance to the debate: are the USA and Europe really at odds after stressful unavoidable diplomatic residue following the Iraq War? The book outlines a clear common ground for both sides, noting that American relations with Europe remain vital for commercial, cultural, and geo-political reasons.

Postcrisis Growth and Development: A Development Agenda for the G-20
Condition: New

Topics covered in the volume include both broad themes and specific sectors. It makes a strong case for integrating development into the G20 agenda and the need to bring non-G20 developing countries on board to ensure their participation in the global recovery and sustained growth and to enhance the legitimacy and credibility of the G20 process.

The Nonprofit Challenge: Integrating Ethics into the Purpose and Promise of Our Nation's Charities
D. White
Condition: New

This book describes the challenges facing charities, explains how they must reassess their commitment, and pushes charities to be their best. It also examines how two sectors of society - business and government - would benefit from a similar corrective journey.

Censoring the Word
Julian Petley
Condition: New
£14.99   £5.99

The uproar and violence over both "The Satanic Verses" and the Danish "Jyllands Posten" cartoons raised the question of whether freedom of expression is an outdated legacy of Western Enlightenment or a vital and necessary tradition which must be protected. This title asks if we live in an age when freedom of expression can no longer be absolute.

Why Aren't We Saving the Planet?: A Psychologist's Perspective
Geoffrey Beattie
Condition: New
£21.99   £13.99

'Global' warming is a global problem. We already know that we need to start making better choices for the sake of our natural world. So why aren't we already saving the planet? This book follows one psychologist's mission to find some answers to this question.

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