Children's Writers' & Artists' Yearbook 2013
This comprehensive guide to markets in all areas of children's media, now in its 9th edition, contains practical information on all aspects of publishing for children, including submitting to publishers and agents, copyright, self-publishing and e-publishing.
Inspirational advice is given by best-selling authors across a large range of genres: humour, historical fiction, horror, fantasy, crime and ages (pre-school, young adults and all ages in between). The extensive listings of key contacts are thoroughly updated every year to provide comprehensive guidance to all the media in this competitive area of publishing.
New articles for 2013 include: Writing non-fiction for children; Marketing, publicising and selling children's books by World Book Day Director Kirsten Grant; Building a successful children's publishing list; A year in view of children's publishing by Caroline Horn; Overnight success by award-winning author Lauren St John
'I wish you all the luck in the world. Don't be a ninny like me, practically giving up at the first rejection. Consult the excellent Children's Writers' & Artists' Yearbook and get going!' - Jacqueline Wilson