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Gypsy Economy: Romani Livelihoods and Notions of Worth in the 21st Century
Condition: New

Roma and Gypsy economic arrangements are complexly related to social position. Authors ethnographically studied these complexities, exploring how, despite - or perhaps because of - their unstable and ambiguous position within the market economy, Roma and Gypsy communities continuously re-create more or less viable economic strategies.

Zombie Banks: How Broken Banks and Debtor Nations Are Crippling the Global Economy
Yalman Onaran
Condition: New

An in-depth look at the problems surrounding zombie banks and their dangerous effect on the global economy The title is worthy of a B movie, but it's also apt. Bloomberg News reporter Yalman Onaran, supported by former U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Economic Survey 2016-17, Volume 2
Ministry of Finance, Government of India
Condition: New

The Economic Survey is a document which dicusses policy initiatives taken by the Government of India in the previous year and the impact of such initiatives on India's economy. It summarizes the performance of major development programmes, and the prospects of the economy in the short to medium term. ...

International Economic Integration And Domestic Performance
Condition: New

International Economic Integration and Domestic Performance brings together the essays of Mary E Lovely focused on the relationship between international economic integration and domestic performance. It is a collection of sole-authored and co-authored papers that have been published in various scholarly ...

Microfinance In Asia
Christopher Gan, Gilbert Nartea
Condition: New

Lack of credit access is severe in low income and poor families that are normally considered to have fewer opportunities to borrow from banks due to insufficient valuable assets for collateral. These low-income households face limited opportunity to acquire new technology and working capital for agricultural ...

Stock Market Crashes: Predictable And Unpredictable And What To Do About Them
William T Ziemba, Mikhail Zhitlukhin, Sebastien Lleo
Condition: New

'Overall, the book provides an interesting and useful synthesis of the authorsaEURO (TM) research on the predictions of stock market crashes. The book can be recommended to anyone interested in the Bond Stock Earnings Yield Differential model, and similar methods to predict crashes.'Quantitative FinanceThis ...

Deterministic And Stochastic Topics In Computational Finance
Ovidiu Calin
Condition: New

What distinguishes this book from other texts on mathematical finance is the use of both probabilistic and PDEs tools to price derivatives for both constant and stochastic volatility models, by which the reader has the advantage of computing explicitly a large number of prices for European, American ...

Financial Strategies And Topics In Finance: Selected Public Lectures Of Professor Harold Bierman, Jr From 1960-2015
Harold Bierman, Jr
Condition: New

Financial Strategies and Topics in Finance is a collection of Professor Emeritus Harold Bierman, Jr.'s public lectures on corporate finance, given on behalf of the Johnson School of Business, Cornell University, from 1960 to 2015.By explaining complex financial strategies in a simplified manner, Professor ...

Stock Markets And Corporate Finance
Michael Joseph Dempsey
Condition: New

This book examines the nature of the stock market and its implications for corporate management. It provides an introduction to core issues in finance and differs from traditional textbooks in its recognition that 'finance is not physics' - in the sense that how markets behave today is not necessarily ...

Too Much Stuff: Capitalism in Crisis
Kozo Yamamura
Condition: New

We now enjoy the highest living standard in history yet spend more of our income on pointless luxury. Instead, we should tax more in order to invest much more in societal needs, which will in turn reinvigorate the economy and reduce economic inequality and environmental degradation.

The mechanics of a strong Euro area: IMF policy analysis
International Monetary Fund, Mahmood Pradhan, Petya Koeva Brooks
Condition: New

Among euro area member states, many structural weaknesses were exposed when economic performance declined significantly and financial markets became more discerning. This book focuses on the analytical underpinnings of real-time policy advice given to euro area policymakers during three cycles of the IMF's annual Article IV consultations (2012-14) with euro area authorities.

Paper Promises: Debt, Money, and the New World Order
Philip Coggan
Condition: New

"Writing with a lucidity that enables him to convey deep insights without a trace of jargon.... [Paper Promises is] the most illuminating account of the financial crisis to appear to date."- John Gray, New Statesman

The Mess We're in: Why Politicians Can't Fix Financial Crises
Guy Fraser-Sampson
Condition: New

A powerfully proposed alternative to the system that led us into history's latest economic debacle

International debt statistics 2017
World Bank
Condition: New

The World Bank's annual report on the external debt of developing countries includes comprehensive data for 125 developing countries, as well as summary data for regions and income groups.

The Consolations of Economics: Good news in the wake of the financial crisis
Gerard Lyons
Condition: New
£10.99   £5.99

In the next twenty years the world economy will enjoy one of its strongest periods of growth. Opportunities, life expectancy, income and educational standards will all rise. This book presents a lucid and accessible approach to what is happening in the global economy and what it means.

Totalled: Salvaging the Future from the Wreckage of Capitalism
Ciara Colin Cremin
Condition: New
£19.99   £6.99

A powerful work of utopian critical theory which looks at how the destructive nature of capitalism will eventually be used against itself

Where's the Insider Advantage?: A Review of the Evidence That Withdrawal from the EU Would Not Harm the UK's Exports or Foreign Investment in the UK
Michael Burrage
Condition: New

The debate about whether the UK should continue to be a member of the EU is set to become more intense in the light of David Cameron's promise of an In/Out referendum in 2017, should the Conservatives be in government. There is no shortage of prophets of doom who warn of the serious economic consequences of withdrawal.

Evidence-based Policy Making in Labor Economics: The IZA World of Labor Guide 2016
Condition: New

The IZA World of Labor distils and condenses the best thinking and research on labor economic issues to enable decision-makers make better informed policy decisions.

Written by well-known labor economists worldwide, the findings on each topic are presented in a compact and readable format, as distillations ...

Economy for and Against Democracy
Condition: New

Contemporary economies, dominated by global finance and political rent-seekers, often inhibit the realization of democracy. This volume features comparative essays and case studies to examine the antagonisms between the economy and democracy and the struggles and visions to make things more equitable.

International debt statistics 2016
World Bank
Condition: New
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